Wednesday, June 26, 2013

USS with Fam!

#traveltuesday (Stills from the trip with family last March (sooo late I know! :D))

One of the highlights of the trip was meeting my prince (and not to mention getting the approval of mother-in-law?) Haha!

Since we have a 4yo kid in tow, we had to choose the rides that can accommodate him so we could stick together.  Not easy when the boy throws tantrums at times. Hehe.  Still the best bet would be that of Madagascar's boat ride. :)

The Jurassic Park ride was the same as before, takes eons of ages to queue. 

On my first visit here with friends, the best ride would have to be the Mummy's.  But it was now changed when we all tried the Transformers attraction!!!  Definitely kick-ass!!! Haha!!

One funny shot is this below, on thinking how to do the pose, this guy  girl tranny just completely gave me THAT onceover and posed like this, haha!

Haha I don't know if she's a tranny or not.  But she's got better abs than I do.  LOL!  Here's the funniest shot of all. It's when Aedan met Frankenstein!  LMAO!

The succeeding still of the image above shows him running away.  Hahaha!!!  Three months have passed and I still laugh at the picture.  I guess that's one of the beauty of erhm late blogging.  Hahaha!!!

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