Friday, May 09, 2014

The Emma/ Andrew Obsession

So instead of a #fabfriday post about the fabulous gowns at MET....I rather discuss about how obsessed I am with these two...

I mean this post makes it official.  They're my favorite Hollywood couple.  Hahaha!!! It was confirmed after watching their separate interviews in ABC News.

Andrew to Emma: A full genius, she has found her genius and she’s giving it soulfully and beautifully.  I think everyone who works with her, brushes shoulders with her or even makes eye contacts with her gets a shot of sunshine.

Emma to Andrew: Its like a dream to work with him.  He’s obviously one of the greatest actors we have alive today and he’s also a remarkable human being. I love him very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Emma's gown.... And your pinkspiration was lovely.........