Friday, August 05, 2011

Spotlight: The Golden Diamonds

A 16 year-old girl from Moldova.  Where's that?  Somewhere in Eastern Europe, between Romania and Ukraine according to Wiki. :P  She has a potential to be a model and her mom is taking her beautiful photographs for her blog.  How cool is it?????

Don't you just love how she infuses colors in her wardrobe?  Well I believe that's how teenagers should dress up.  Although no doubt she could carry herself well in some "mature" outfits.  Go check out Doina's blog now for style inspirations. :)


Jennifer S. said...

I just found her blog too....she is so darn cute but how does she afford all those clothes?? :)


CaseyCakes said...

Hi Jen, I think she explained one time in a post that "she's fortunate enough to have a mother who could buy her those things" something like that. Haha! Thanks for the comment. :)