Tuesday, October 02, 2007

OktoberFest: The Metamorphosis

I remember so well
The day that you came into my life

Haha!! I can still vividly recall the day I lost my blog virginity. I was in my smocks and goggles, typing on my laptop at one afternoon in NGCAM 14 CPU production floor of CV1, Intel Office of Dasma Cavite. That first post was written purely out of boredom. The following days I went to explore other blogs particularly Xiela’s and thought to myself: “Wow, I am not a good writer but it’s fun sharing snippets of my life with which to update friends." Since then, it became a HOBBY.

After some time, I discovered the wonders of blogspot though I’m hesitant about it at first. Touched on some basic HTMLs for designing making sure it reflects my personality. Posts-wise, exerted more efforts on writing even if it’s just a daily ephemera or day-to-day minutiae and improvised some concepts. Sure enough, it became my PASSION.

Once upon a blog-hopping, I stumbled upon this line, “In order to become a good writer, you have to be a voracious reader.” Back then the word WRITER doesn’t interests me. I was surrounded by very good writers like Sam, Lisa and Xiela. They all tackle about the profound things in life and I can only shrink and say “I can never be like them.” Nonetheless, I still took on reading and eventually found some new inspiration.

Now, I can say I’ve reached the very pinnacle of this whole thing I began, I wanna be a WRITER. I know, it’s very far from my profession and the very though of it makes me cower. But I’m learning….I’m training…Someday I will be……….

It’s been 2 years folks and I haven’t celebrated my 1st year on Friendster. So October will be a very special month. I’ve cooked and is still cooking some special posts for this month and I hope that you’ll all still be there supporting me in this journey. I would very much love to hear more from you too. ;-)

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